Friday, December 27, 2019
The Most Important Features of a Social System - 1435 Words
The Most Important Features of a Social System A social system as a concept in sociological theory is one of great importance and indeed necessary. As a theoretical concept and component of theoretical explanation, it highlights the intricate nature of the society we live in. (Craib 1992) Talcott Parsons, a dominant functionalist theorist, focused much of his work on the concept of a social system. (Water 1994) Such a concept is indeed synonymous with his work. Whilst there is no universal sociological definition of the concept, Parsons defined a social system as: a plurality of individual actors interacting with each other in a situation which has at least a physical or environmental aspect, actors who are motivated in terms of the†¦show more content†¦(Collins 1988) The structural elements of social system are treated as constants over certain ranges of variation. These four types of independently variable components include role (A), collectivity (G), norms (I) and value (L). (Waters 1994) These roughly cover the social structure from individual to social system and form the fundamental integrating principle in society. (Deflem 1998) Put simply, if members of society are committed to the same values, they share a common identity, which provides a basis for unity and cooperation, and common goals. Values provide a general conception of what is desirable and worthwhile. (Wallace et al 1999) Goals provide the direction in specific situations, while a common goal provides an incentive for cooperation. Role provides a means whereby values and goals are translated into action. The content of roles is structured in terms of norms which define the rights and obligations. (Wallace et al 1999) Norms are then seen as specific expressions of values which tend to ensure that role behaviour is standardised. These are referred to as system needs and are essential to the functioning of the social system. (Wallace et al 1999) It is here that one can identify Parsons use of many concepts. A feature of his theory is indeed the conceptual relationships he establishes. (Craib 1992) The interpenetrating and interdependency of the subsystems are imperative to Parsons social system and evidently form anShow MoreRelatedAncient China s Development And Growth Of A Successful Ancient Chinese Society1349 Words  | 6 Pagesreach a level of social development and organization. During the Han (206 BC-220 AD) and Qin (221 BC-207 BC) dynasties, Ancient China became unified. The Chinese developed a strong government and powerful empire with the help of its geography, social hierarchy, and belief system. The geography provided protection and goods necessary for survival and trade. The social hierarchy affected the ways of life of the people by determining their wealth and education. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Child Justice And Criminal Evidence Act - 3284 Words
Since the 1970s, the plight of victims in the criminal justice system has become of significant interest and now plays a prominent role in the construction of domestic and international laws. In particular, in 1999, the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act (YJCEA hereafter) radically transformed the traditional adversarial trial model for receiving evidence from vulnerable and child witnesses by advocating a panoply of special measures to be utilised during criminal court proceedings. The purpose of such measures is to enhance the quality of children’s testimony through the use of screens to block the view of the perpetrator (s.23), the removal of wigs and gowns (s.26), help of intermediaries (s.29) and the use of video links to give evidence (s.21). Most significantly, following the recommendations in the 1989 report of the Home Office Advisory Group on video evidence - the Pigot Report , s. 27 and 28 YJCEA made provisions for pre-recorded cross-examination-in-chief and p re-recorded cross-examination respectively. After all, the cross-examination of a child who is a victim of a crime, particularly a sexual crime, is arguably one of the most challenging courtroom ordeals. However, s. 28 of the YJCEA has never been brought into force and still remains to be â€Å"the most controversial of all†measures within the 1999 Act (Hoyano Keenan, 2010). As a result, although children may be given the opportunity to pre-record the first part of their evidence, they must stillShow MoreRelatedThe Doctrinal Design Has Been Used To Study The Jurisprudential1425 Words  | 6 Pagesjurisprudential development in the areas of child witnesses, the reliability and admissibility problems of child witnesses. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Christmas in Purgatory free essay sample
After seeing the video and receiving a glimpse into the lives of the people and families that had to live through the traumatic events that took place I completely agreed with the Christmas in Purgatory book that â€Å"there is a hell on earth. †One of the main things I realized from the video and class discussion was that helping better the education and accommodations for students with disabilities is a job for every educator. The video helped me relate the information to my own life by making me realize one major flaw that I failed to see in myself was thinking that because I am not a special education major it is not as important for me to help take the necessary steps to better the educational need of those with disabilities. After watching the Willowbrook video I realized that much of the problem with what happened may have begun with people who looked the other way because they thought it was of no concern of theirs. We will write a custom essay sample on Christmas in Purgatory or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The images and video really helped me grasp the realness of what happened. It was truly something I had to see to believe. I think it related to the course information by really opening students eyes and making us want to learn more and do more to make things better for those with disabilities. The information I learned has made me realize that my view on what role I should play in helping students with disabilities was incredibly off. This fact really made me like the video because it helped give me a better perspective on things. It really brought to my attention the reality of what happened and how everyone needs to play a part in taking steps to make things better. I think the information we learned and discussed in class will truly make students want to help make a change. The video, images, and discussion will hopefully alter everyone’s perspective, like it has mine, for the better and make us work toward creating an improved learning environment for students with disabilities. The experience of completing this assignment was really exciting for me because I was able to learn something about myself and persons with disabilities that I had not known before. This information should impact everyone, including myself; to make sure that something this tragic never happens again.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
Write an Essay Classifying People by the Way They Dress Essay Sample free essay sample
Peoples of modern society are really much concerned over what would be the appropriate garb for different occasions and intents. Each civilization and state impose a really different manner of frock. Therefore. people need to be wise in taking suited garb harmonizing to the conditions so that they look more confident. In Malaysia. people seem to split into three classs harmonizing to the type of apparels they are dressed in which are formal. informal and insouciant. The first class is people that wear formal frock which is consider to be professional wear. This garment is general term for vesture suited for formal societal occasions like marrying ceremonial and as a work garb. For a authorities staff sector. it is more polite for them to have on suits. pants. belts. shirts with a tie and places for the work forces and ‘Baju Melayu’ on Friday for those are Muslims while for a adult females. We will write a custom essay sample on Write an Essay Classifying People by the Way They Dress Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page they wear ‘Baju Kurung’ . All of these apparels are besides suited to be wear by university pupils when they attend to their categories. In formal occasions. normally the work forces will have on tuxedoes and for the adult females. they will have on a silk frock like gown. The 2nd class is people who wear informal apparels. This type of dressing are normally wear at markets. gardens and at house. Apparels that are really familiar and comfy to be wear at this state of affairs are round-neck jersey. tracksuit. ‘kain pelekat’ or ‘batik’ . pajama and slipper. All of these apparels emphasize relaxation of person and besides the topographic points that they are in. Peoples wear them depending on the conditions. For illustration. people wear round-neck jersey in the hot twenty-four hours and long sleeve collarless jersey in showery twenty-four hours. For ‘kain pelekat’ or ‘batik’ and pajama. they are largely use at dark as nightwear. The last class is people that wear insouciant garments. This type of garment is considered as less formal but non excessively informal. They normally wear this when they want to shopping promenade. societal events. informal parties and vacations. Casual apparels can be elegant and glamour wear with their different combinations. For illustrations. when a individual wears denim denims with a collared jersey and a brace of sandals. he looks really ordinary and simple. but if he wears the same jean denims with a collared jersey and insouciant places so he would look much smarter. Another insouciant apparels are sweater. blouses and flushing frock where it is appropriately wear in societal events or informal parties like birthday parties. Obviously. the most popular of all type of apparels is the insouciant vesture. this is due to its versatility in which it can be wear at anyplace. In decision. people change the manner they are dressing harmonizing to the topographic points. events and state of affairss. Peoples apply this to esteem and suite themselves with the fortunes. By the manner people dress will bespeak one’s attitude and their personalities toward people environing them.
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