Thursday, August 27, 2020
Governance in Globalisation World Process of Political System
Question: Portray about the Governance in Globalization World for Process of Political System. Answer: Presentation: The long procedure of globalization has been carefully connected with the procedure of a worldwide political framework. It has been seen that the primary clarification deciphers globalization as an extension of Europe and the other most remarkable states. As per the assessment of Claessens and Fan (2011), the political unification of the world is the result of the exportation of the standards and guidelines of the European states framework to the entire planet. The wide-going introduction of the procedure of extension of the European International Society has been changed to the Asian nation. The idea of globalization is totally unique and free for the various conditions. Considering the assessment of Genberg (2016), the corporate administration can be a high plan issue in the diverse driving nations. Along these lines, it needs improvement and straightforwardness for both the money related and the non-budgetary data. The corporate administration is a lot of lawful ramifications that give core value to the organization in a controlled and coordinated methodology. The corporate administration is required to satisfy the objectives and destinations in a manner that annex to the estimation of the endeavor. The money related financial specialists considered as a critical part of the value in the European and Asian organizations. The financial specialists regularly depicted as passing and nearsighted proprietors without any motivations for including into the authority. Such monetary organizations possibly survey the observing and fining of administrative caution. Nonetheless, Claessens and Fan (2011) contended that the institutional commitment in corporate administration will undoubtedly be reflexive either because of lopsided or short lived proprietorship. The inclusion of the budgetary financial specialists in corporate administration has an undeviating resistance on the office costs came about because of the severance of residency and control. The examination will show how the institutional speculators are powerfully taking care of the detailing of the corporate administration of the organizations. The current examination endeavors to assess the contemporary administration rehearses and the related issues. The issues like Do you think there is a job to be played by institutional speculators in corporate administration? Examine concerning two corporate administration frameworks for example Old English, Continental Europe and Asia has been decided to direct the investigation. With regards to the current situation, the two administration framework, for example, Continental Europe and Asia has been considered to assess the contemporary corporate administration rehearses. Contemporary global setting of the issue: Institutional financial specialists contribute as dynamic investment in planning the business administration of the organizations. Numerous compelling components choose the degree of enthusiastic commitment by the monetary financial specialists. Very much situated corporate administration is an element of significant shareholding and offers a successful lawful fortress (, 2016). There is a common relationship between the aggregate administration of organizations and the institutional financial specialists. The world bank anticipated an inflexible structure for corporate administration where the speculators have the motivating forces for taking an interest in different procedures (, 2016). The systems remember participating for moral dynamic viewpoints, straightforwardness, examination and assessment of the organizations. A resulting study indicated that institutional speculators paid and took an interest at a normal of 20-27% in the organizations of Asian nations and 18-22% in Europe. Significantly, the institutional investors don't play a proactive capacity in selling the portions of the organization. In addition, such investment may prompt a drop in the stock costs, which influence the commercial center. Considering the assessment of Bianchi (2014), the disappointment of the financial specialists with the board can permit the speculators to either exit or voice the issues and control the disappointment. The investors additionally have the ability to sell the part because of disappointment. Despite the fact that, selling the shareholding isn't practical for a large portion of the speculators because of the arrangement of holding a real portfolio. The speculator's likelihood to apply the significant control on the organizations has a conspicuous ramifications for corporate administration (, 2012). The suggestions are concerning keeping up the norms of the corporate administration and issues troubled with requirement. The Combined Code (2006) standards expressed a few angles concerning the job of speculators in corporate administration. These are expressed as follows:- Talk with organizations The institutional financial specialists could have a specific exchange meeting with the administration of the organizations to manufacture an explanation in the authoritative goals. Appraisal of administration disclosure While breaking down the organizations' administration plans, particularly the proportions of board structure and orchestra, the speculators need to offer significance to all the angles. This procedure is done to draw the consideration towards all the variables that may make an issue in future. The democratic intensity of the speculators The institutional investors have a significant obligation of utilizing the polling form rights. The degree to which speculators hold power in corporate administration relies upon the quantity of offers the financial specialists have. The International Finance Corporation (IFC) began a corporate administration program in Asia and Europe to manufacture a job structure for the institutional financial specialists (, 2011). The program made on IFC's work in the field of corporate administration in Caucasus, Central Asia, Russian Federation, Southern Europe and Ukraine. Inside Europe's and Asia's private part, there is an expansive scope of authoritative documents that exists in associations. Every one of the businesses faces various issues on such guidelines. In this manner, explicit codes are allocated to every one of the enterprises to embrace the accepted procedures of the corporate administration (Filatotchev, 2007). In Europe and Asia, there is a critical contrast between financial specialist proprietorship example and commitment rehearses. The distinction exists in the field of offer fixation, share proprietorship designs, control-expand instruments and the degree of financial specialist's exercises. The concentrated proprietorship has incredible and positive ramifications. As indicated by Genberg (2016), the control of investors is quicker to actualize a drawn out mentality contrasted with different speculators. The investors can protect the organization from the antagonistic impacts of vacillations in share showcase and the financial cycles. The reports show that in a portion of the Asian organizations, the financial specialists don't utilize the rights appropriately. The activism of the financial specialists in Asia is nearly little, which mirror that there is an absence of progress in corporate administration. According to the assessment of Gui (2015), the institutional speculators consistently request unrivaled straightforwardness and responsibility. The speculators on the off chance that assume a proactive job, at that point can turn into a huge piece of the rating of corporate administration. This action could increase the expectations of such administration. As per the drafts paper of World Bank, the financial specialists deliberately place the government assistance of the recipients against the premiums of chiefs and CEO. The financial specialists more often than not act such that best serves the interests of the organization's investors. The money related organizations can help an organization in detailing great corporate administration in the accompanying manners:- Improve the operational presentation, capability and productivity Build up a drawn out worth that can develop in a supportable manner. Create and execute the different corporate systems and can give an important course. Discover clear jobs and duties alongside the accountabilities. Estimate and handle the dangers in wandering into another arrangement. The financial specialists can apply a draw on a colossal measure of capital and bear the cost of speculations. Help with creating colleagues. Build and help to keep up the notoriety and trust. The incomparability of the institutional speculators, which are refered to above can't be maintained a strategic distance from, and the impact that the financial specialists yield is colossal. These financial specialists can by one way or another get expansion in the perspectives by the impact of other venture foundations. The insurance agencies and other benefits reserves comprise the huge institutional speculators that have a place with at least two agent bodies. These bodies go about as an expert gathering who voice on the perspectives about the issues. As per the assessment of Jhunjhunwala (2016), it is doable for the institutional financial specialists to make a consolidated move against the substance of poor corporate execution. Numerous bits of proof show that the association of the money related organizations has expanded in the course of the most recent couple of decades. The inclusion ascends in react to the pressure from numerous organizations for foundations to assume an increasingly incredible job. The monetary foundations show hesitant towards the associations just when there is a genuine confirmation of breakdown. The corporate administration is, be that as it may, altogether emotional by the lawful frameworks of the significant nations. Subsequently, the institutional financial specialists powerfully participate in defining the corporate administration is completely founded on the legitimate ramifications of the nation where the organization exists. Corporate administration information, practice and speculations An ace in Corporate Governance means to give information about arranging, execution and follow-up of corporate practices and the procedures. This procedure encourages the specialty unit to get familiar with the moral practices and the other operational strategies to accomplish the better expectations of corporate conduct. In the assessment of Bianchi (2014), there are two components which can be useful to drive the patterns that are guideline and market powers. The European law and the corporate administration of the nation are going ahead above
Saturday, August 22, 2020
ELL Director Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
ELL Director - Essay Example Under the law, each school and area should ensure that the understudy all in all, and their subgroups, for example, ELLs, meet the required scholarly guidelines in perusing, just as math. To gain satisfactory yearly ground, each school and locale ought to by and large show that each subgroup has accomplished the state capability point in perusing, just as math (Capps, Fix, Murray, Ost, Passel and Herwantoro, 2005). Effectively surveying ELLs in English as obliged by the law is amazingly extreme. These understudies are relied upon to understand all substance in English before arriving at a specific level of English capability. Housing offered during the evaluation are ordinarily of restricted worth and far fetched legitimacy. On these perusing and math tests, ELLs additionally are normal meet different English capability benchmarks; thus, disturbing them in their learning (Roekel, 2007). In the following area of this paper, we will address the difficulties confronting this understudie s and methods of controling them. Difficulties Relating to Assessing Language Domains previously and During Content-Based Instruction English Language Learners originate from incredibly differing foundations and ordinarily experience various troubles in the study hall (Roekel, 2007). To bring on additional troubles, instructors need valuable, inquire about based realities, techniques and assets required to assess, educate and sustain these sorts of understudies, regardless of whether the ELLs were conceived in the United States or somewhere else, or whether they are the soonest, center, or most recent age to be taken a crack at an American government funded school. In a great deal of cases, ELLs are being given math and perusing tests in English before increasing enough information or comprehension in English. The matter of correspondence appears to be enormous for instructors of ELLs. A 2004 investigation of instructors in California discovered that poor correspondence among educat ors, students, guardians, just as the network, was a monstrous issue. Different issues involved the absence of devices to instruct ELL understudies and legitimate evaluations to distinguish learners’ needs, just as measure understudy progress (Capps, Fix, Murray, Ost, Passel and Herwantoro, 2005). Instructors additionally communicated frustration over the expansive assortment of English language and scholarly levels alongside the way that they get little in-administration preparing or proficient improvement on the best way to teach/train ELLs. As the size of ELLs keeps on developing, for example, more instructors will be confronted with the issue of fruitful second language education guidance (Short and Fitzsimmons, 2006). Meeting the instructive necessities of ELLs is a troublesome errand. It is one that needs harmonization and collaboration all through the instructive framework. This implies everybody should bolster the adapting needs of English Language Learners, starting with schools of instruction, which should better set up all instructors to work steadily with ELLs (Roekel, 2007). Additionally, instructors themselves contend that appropriate proficient turn of events and upgrade is among their top prerequisites. Likewise, another normal or all inclusive issue identifying with evaluating language spaces among ELL understudies is offering a critical access to the program (Roekel, 2007). This is on the grounds that there has been an inclination of survey ELLs with learning challenges additionally in light of the fact that they are simply low-performing English
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Advantages of Using APA Paper Example PDF
The Advantages of Using APA Paper Example PDFThe APA paper example PDF application allows you to create and download your own sample and practice work. You can produce A-Z-Z-1 tables, cross-references, references and many other examples with little or no training at all.Documents can be from any source: the internet, paper or just about anywhere else. The reason that you might not want to create your own is that you might not like the final document you create. In fact you do not even have to create it. With the use of an existing template you will be able to take a file that exists already and duplicate it in just a few seconds using your preferred application.Any document that you create can be exported as a version that has all of the text, tables, tables of references and also references. This will help you know how to use them in your own documents. If you need to make sure that the information is consistent then this is a great way to achieve this. Just make sure that you place the footnotes in the same place on all of your documents.If you need to access documents as soon as they are available online, you can download them right from the application. With this type of application you can immediately see if the document is up to date. This makes it convenient and fast to find anything that you are looking for.This type of document has been used by many people for decades to ensure that they have accurate data. It allows you to retrieve information from anywhere. One of the best things about the PDF files that you create is that they are able to be downloaded directly to your computer without being opened in another program.The application is very easy to use. As soon as you download your first sample it is ready to use. The application is also very powerful. Once you have your document created you can share it to others that need it or you can also print it for yourself.The entire process will also be quick and easy, and you can also search engine your do cument. One thing that you should be aware of is that there is more than one way to find a document online. As soon as you are able to download the APA example PDF file you can be able to take advantage of the knowledge and experience that exist.The benefits of this type of application include the ability to keep yourself up to date on research and practical examples. You can also stay ahead of the competition. Make sure that you choose a tool that will meet your needs and at the same time ensure that you get exactly what you need for your documents.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The On Dell Latitude Laptops - 1455 Words
The procedure was carried out on Dell Latitude laptops provided by Queens University and logging onto Queens Online. The appendix for this experiment was located on a Microsoft Document and used Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 with results recorded on to Microsoft Excel 2013. Procedure Under the Lab Tutors guidance each person logged into ‘Laboratory Practical Classes’ folder found in the ‘PSY1001’ file through Queens Online. Opening folder named Week 8 – Social Psychology Practical, instructions were given on selecting and downloading one of two PowerPoint presentations. Selection was based upon the participant’s date of birth. Control Group 1 was made up of those participants whose date of birth fell between January and June and Control†¦show more content†¦18 dependant variables were required from all 21 participants in this group. The positive and negative responses were correlated and the mean obtained for each. The standard deviation was also calculated for each response. The results show that there was a significant swing towards the positive responses with the mean of 14.71 and a standard deviation of 2.87. The negative responses correlated a mean score of 3.24 with a standard deviation of 2.77. This demonstr ates that just over 70% of those who participated in the Warm control group returned positive responses with both standard deviations within an acceptable level of around 2.8. This is clear evidence that the inclusion of the central trait independent variable of Warm did significantly influence the dependant variable outcome in favour of positive comments thus collaborating Asch’s hypothesis. Control group 2 with dates of birth between July and December (Table 1.2) ADJECTIVE POSITIVE WORDS NEGATIVE WORDS COLD 8.25 9.79 SD 3.23 3.24 SD – Standard Deviation The table 1.2 above shows the number of positiveShow MoreRelatedMarket Trends and Changes in Dell Computer1622 Words  | 7 PagesMarket Trends and Changes in Dell Computers Kim Jones University of Phoenix ECO/365 Dr. Dominic F. Minadeo September 10, 2009 Market Trends and Changes in Dell Computer This paper will describe market trends that Dell Computer may face in the near future. Possible changes will be identified within the following areas; market structure, technology, government regulation, production, cost structure, price elasticity of demand, competitors, supply and demand. This paper will also touchRead MoreInventory Management Systems Essay967 Words  | 4 Pagesof the system, describe the ongoing maintenance that will be required and provide a workflow diagram to illustrate how the system will work. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
How to Calculate a Male to Female Ratio (And Other Quantities)
To paraphrase Frederick Douglass, â€Å"We may not get all that we pay for, but we will certainly pay for all that we get.†To salute that grand arbiter of coiffure and promoter of equality, let’s discuss how to best use our resources. Use a ratio to compare two quantities. Examples: Using Ratio to Compare Quantities Miles per hourText messages per dollarFacebook page visitors per weekMen per women Example: Ratio and Social Life Sheila, a busy career woman, plans to wisely use her leisure time. She wants a place with as many men per women as possible. As a statistician, this single woman believes that a high male to female ratio is the best way to find Mr. Right. Here are the female and male headcounts of certain places: Athletic Club, Thursday night: 6 women, 24 menYoung Professionals Meeting, Thursday night: 24 women, 6 menBayou Blues Night Club, Thursday night: 200 women, 300 men Which place will Sheila choose? Calculate the ratios: Athletic Club 6 women/24 menSimplified: 1 women/4 menIn other words, the Athletic Club boasts 4 men for each woman. Young Professionals Meeting 24 women/6 menSimplified: 4 women/1 manIn other words, the Young Professionals Meeting offers 4 women for each man. Note: A ratio can be an improper fraction; the numerator can be greater than the denominator. Bayou Blues Club 200 women/300 menSimplified: 2 women/3 menIn other words, for every 2 women at the Bayou Blues Club, there are 3 men. Which Place Offers the Best Female to Male Ratio? Unfortunately for Sheila, the female-dominated Young Professionals Meeting is not an option. Now, she has to choose between the Athletic Club and the Bayou Blues Club. Compare the Athletic Club and Bayou Blues Club ratios. Use 12 as the common denominator. Athletic Club: 1 women/4 men 3 women/12 menBayou Blues Club: 2 women/3 men 8 women/12 men On Thursday, Sheila wears her best spandex outfit to the male-dominated Athletic Club. Unfortunately, the four men she meets all have breath like train smoke. So much for using math in real life. Exercises Mario can afford to apply to only one university. He will apply to the school that offers the best probability of awarding him a full, academic scholarship. Assume that each scholarship committee  overworked and understaffed  will award scholarships to students whose names are randomly pulled from a hat. Each of Marios prospective schools has posted its average number of applicants and average number of full-ride scholarships. College A: 825 applicants; 275 full-ride scholarshipsCollege B: 600 applicants; 150 full-ride scholarshipsCollege C: 2,250 applicants; 250 full-ride scholarshipsCollege D: 1,250 applicants; 125 full-ride scholarships Calculate the ratio of applicants to full-ride scholarships at College A.825 applicants: 275 scholarshipsSimplify: 3 applicants: 1 scholarshipCalculate the ratio of applicants to full-ride scholarships at College B.600 applicants: 150 scholarshipsSimplify: 4 applicants: 1 scholarshipCalculate the ratio of applicants to full-ride scholarships at College C.2,250 applicants: 250 scholarshipsSimplify: 9 applicants: 1 scholarshipCalculate the ratio of applicants to full-ride scholarships at College D.1,250 applicants: 125 scholarshipsSimplify: 10 applicants: 1 scholarshipWhich college has the least favorable applicant to scholarship ratio?College DWhich college has the most favorable applicant to scholarship ratio?College ATo which college will Mario apply?College A
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Discuss the Aphorism Small Firm Growth Being the Only...
INTRODUCTION Business growth is a good goal for most firms in general and is given great weight by the society. This could be seen with the list conjured up by the media, such as ‘Forbes Fast-Growing Companies’ and ‘Inc Fastest Growing Companies’ lists (Hupato 2011). The reason small firm growth has been prioritised by policy makers and the society is mainly due to its contribution to the economy (Bridge, O’Neill amp; Martin 2009). Small firm and entrepreneurship have so often been linked together, and it has become common to acknowledge that all small firms are established by entrepreneurs. Hence, the terms such as growth, success and performance are often linked in the research of entrepreneurial success (Reijonen amp; Komppula 2007).†¦show more content†¦Research shows that young high-growth firms (also commonly known as ‘gazelles’) generate a large share of all new net jobs (Roper 2012). Robbins, Pantuosco, Parker amp; Fuller (2000) has a lso confirmed in their research that a state with large quantity of small business has lower rates of unemployment compared to other states that has little quantity of small businesses. The reason employment rates are valuable in measuring growth is because each firm will grow until they reach the optimal size that corresponds to minimum average cost (Hart 2000). Thus, each firm will continue to employ during its growth stage until it reaches the efficient scale or natural decay. However, other research has proved that it is difficult to measure small firm performance by employee growth. This is due to moderating variables such as outsourcing activities, productivity changes and replacement of employees with capital investments (Fitzsimmons, Steffens amp; Douglas 2005). When business grow in this the rapid changing modem world, many production and service functions has been contracted out (Bridge, O’Neill amp; Martin 2009). In other words, a business can grow without having a ny increase in employment rate. Several academicians argued that sales precede other yardsticks for business growth, as pointed out that it is the increase in sales that necessitates the increase
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Impact of Consumer Culture on Tim Tam Consumers
Question: Discuss about theImpact of Consumer Culture on Tim Tam Consumers. Answer: Introduction The objective of the paper is to reveal the impact of consumer culture on the consumers of Tim Tam Company. Consumers are deemed causes and purpose for all the purpose and cause based manufacturing and marketing objectives (Edwards, Raggatt and Small 2013). Considering consumer culture, it can be said that Tim Tam totally considers internal impacts of their target market of the young adults along with wellbeings. Tim Tam Company focuses on all the aspects of its target consumer culture in its marketing strategies as consumer culture theory is cantered on psychological aspects of buying (Welford 2016). For this reason, the marketers of Tim Tam focuses majorly on consumer culture through focusing on ways a specific product can change consumers lives. Businesses like Tim Tam can avail benefits from theories of consumer culture marketing through focusing on lifestyle advantages of their offerings along with encouraging them to consider their offerings as key to gain competitive advantage . Social Environment Group and Interpersonal Influence Interpersonal influence in Tim Tam is considered as a change in consumer behaviour because of their transforming feelings; thoughts are communicated to them through several sources. Normative influence is the factor that persuades consumers of Tim Tamm in taking actions that can address their expectations (Ostergaard and Bode 2016). Tim Tam consumers is also observed to have value expressive interpersonal influence that has taken place as its target consumers has distinct norms, values and beliefs that an guide their individual actions. This influence can serve as an effective approach that can be used by Tim Tam Company in marketing their biscuits. Interpersonal influence on consumers regular consumption is observed to majorly impact culture based marketing strategies of Tim Tam (Giorgi, Lockwood and Glynn 2015). It is observed that the consumers purchase decision on a particular biscuit of Tim Tam is totally relied on their interpersonal influences. The purchasers are likely to mak e purchase decision on Tim Tam offers if their influencers shares good experiences with the Tim Tam products. The consumers of Tim Tam intends to gather relevant information n the offerings of Tim Tam from their friend and family for understanding the influencers experiences that influences consumers of the company too make further purchase. Another source of interpersonal influences includes TV, Ad, Radio and Brochures that increases the interest of the buyers (Kipnis, Broderick and Demangeot 2014). Consumer Culture Analysis of Tim Tams target consumer culture facilitates in enhancing consumer buying decision process. With the change of nature within the community such as age, ethnicity, income, demand and geographic location the analysis of consumer culture of Tim Tams target consumer has revealed that in the recent years, consumers are likely to demand for convenience goods that are easy and quick (Vitell and Hunt 2015). Considering the same, the biscuits of Tim Tam are readily assessable and there are several selection and package size. Consumer culture analysis has revealed that consumers prefer highly nutritious offerings of Tim Tam that includes biscuits like SOA crackers are beneficial for elderly society. Moreover, the target consumers of Tim Tam are likely to prefer health and dietary foods as several individuals have health concerns such as obesity. People are impacted by several cultures and demand for selection in flavours and considering the same the biscuits of Tim Tam comes with different flavours (Anning-Dorson 2017). People are deemed to get influenced from distant cultures and there exists demand for selection in favours and considers consuming organic foods as the consumers are aware pesticides and chemicals that impacts ingredients within foods and for this reason Tim Tam is focusing on offering organic biscuits such as vita wheat. Considering consumer culture it has been observed that environment friendly package and the target consumers as people prefer products tends to be increasingly educated on the impacts of environment (Chua, Roth and Lemoine 2015). Micro Cultures Micro culture has a direct impact on the developing marketing and distribution strategies of Tim Tam. The target consumer of the company that is young adult females is focused on their wellbeing. Moreover target consumer group of Tim Tam company such as children is observed to despite for tasty food product (Kovcs, Carroll and Lehman 2013). Micro culture analysis of the targe consumer segment of Tim Tam is conducted through considering their interests, values and attitudes. The sub-groups of the company are observed to be less concerned about the impacts of too much chocolate. Considering the micro-culture of the target sub-group of consumers Tim Tam can be considered as a type of food liked by them and tends to feel excited by the consideration of Tim Tam (Slowikowski and Jarratt 2013). As the consumers are observed to be health conscious and considers consuming healthy and digestive biscuits. Considering such micro culture of its target consumers, Tim Tam has wide distribution network of its healthy biscuits in the grocery stores all over Australia. Considering the micro culture of its target consumers, Tim Tam Company builds the image of their brand of chocolate that attracts attention of children as a premium treat (Solomon 2014). Situation Influences Time Enhancing time pressures on the community is observed to have increased impact on the demand for target consumers based on convenience foods like Tim Tam. The time-poor customers are slowly cutting out home-backed food in the favour of snacking on the go. Certain structural conditions are considered in distribution channels of the Tim Tam Company (Cova, Maclaran and Bradshaw 2013). Based on the "target consumer culture" analysis Tim Tam Company decides on the amount of time that is devoted in choosing a particular product in a given category (Cova, Maclaran and Bradshaw 2013). To increase the availability of its products, the company must ensure customising its certain product ranges through managing its destination time and travel time to all its distribution places. Tim Tam company must make sure that its premium quality food products arrive within all its stores in time and in perfect condition that considers paying more to a dependable distributor (Kovcs, Carroll and Lehman 2013). Place The target consumers of the company gains the Tim Tam companys offerings in all the cities and places within Australia have simple access to the offerings. Tim Tam is observed as among the major shareholders of Australia for many years that have enabled the company in distributing goods to a huge consumer base (Askegaard and Scott 2013). The company distributes its products to all its target consumers up and down the breadth of Australia. The company also has distributors for its products in several locations of the nation. Modern channels of distribution of the companys products are through retail channels and shopping malls. These distribution places are managed directly by the organization (Hernani-Merino, Mazzon and Isabella 2015). The distribution places follows breaking the bulk in which a great fraction of consumers are transformed from factory to store house and ten to distributors and then to the dealers and retailers. It is observed that the place where offerings of Tim Tam Company are distributed to all its target consumers based on their culture. Tim Tam offerings are distributed through retail outlets and through numerous manufacturing units within the nation. The company follows the distribution channel as it appoints distributors at selected locations and it distributes its products through retail outlets in rural area (Pugh 2016). Conditions Tim Tam is required to understand the tastes and preferences of its target consumers based on the market demand. This could be achieved with the help of adequate market research that would reveal the latest trend in the Australian market. In addition, the rapid technological advancements form the key to successful launch of a specific product in the market (Kipnis, Broderick and Demangeot 2014). Therefore, Tim Tam needs to make proper use of technologies like television commercials to appeal to the target market. In addition, the suppliers in Australia play a crucial role in terms of product offering in a specific market. Since the availability of suppliers is high in the market, their bargaining power is intensely low. As a result, it would help Tim Tam to manufacture its products at lower manufacturing cost. Thus, the pricing structure of the biscuits would be low in order to generate the awareness of the target consumers (Harwood and Garry 2016). Finally, the state of economy in Australia is another significant attribute that could have incredible effects on the buying behaviour of the target customers. This is because during economic recession, the revenue margin of some organisations starts to fall, while the same for others increases (Kovcs, Carroll and Lehman 2013). Hence, Tim Tam is required to possess sound knowledge of the economic factors, which could pose both threats and opportunities to the organisation. Recommendations Based on the analysis of impact of culture on Tim Tam consumers it as recommended that the Tim Tam Company must develop effective strategies along with developing priorities for understanding consumer needs based on their culture. Additionally, it must develop strategies as per consumer preferences after realising personal buying decision of consumers. It is vital to realize several aspects related with offerings along with considering personal decision-making. Moreover, on an extended term it is recommended that the produce require considering innovation within product for attracting a large fraction of consumers. Additionally, offering requires being available within all retail outlets to those consumers does not watch products. This can generate market stability for longer duration. Finally, Tim Tam requires running promotional activities for developing promotional activities for attaining attention of great consumer base. The company is recommended to understand the consumer culture that target market is trending towards being consumer friendly and package them in an eco-friendly manner. Consumer culture based recommendation considers that as the target market of Tim Tam consumers are the young generation are social media savvy. Considering such culture, Tim Tam is recommended to initiate an online trend where might consider uploading photos in social media with catchy hash tag. Considering the social environment and situation influences Tim Tam is recommended to be highly careful about their major competitors like Kraft Foods Ltd. For this reason, Tim Tam must always consider continuous process of enhancing product quality along with marketing strategy. The consumers of the company prefers purchasing affordable, it a consider offering lower price for selling more products. Conclusion The objective of the paper was to reveal the impact of consumer culture on the consumers of Tim Tam Company. Tim Tam Company focuses on all the aspects of its target consumer culture in its marketing strategies as consumer culture theory is cantered on psychological aspects of buying. For this reason, the marketers of Tim Tam focuses majorly on consumer culture through focusing on ways a specific product can change consumers lives. Analysis of Tim Tams target consumer culture facilitates in enhancing consumer buying decision process. With the change of nature within the community such as age, ethnicity, income, demand and geographic location the analysis of consumer culture of Tim Tams target consumer has revealed that in the recent years, consumers are likely to demand for convenience goods that are easy and quick. Micro culture analysis of the targe consumer segment of Tim Tam is conducted through considering their interests, values and attitudes. The sub-groups of the company are observed to be less concerned about the impacts of too much chocolate. Considering the micro-culture of the target sub-group of consumers Tim Tam can be considered as a type of food liked by them and tends to feel excited by the consideration of Tim Tam. Reference List Anning-Dorson, T., 2017. Moderation-mediation effect of market demand and organization culture on innovation and performance relationship.Marketing Intelligence Planning,35(2). Askegaard, S. and Scott, L., 2013. Consumer culture theory: The ironies of history. Chua, R.Y., Roth, Y. and Lemoine, J.F., 2015. The impact of culture on creativity: How cultural tightness and cultural distance affect global innovation crowdsourcing work.Administrative Science Quarterly,60(2), pp.189-227. Cova, B., Maclaran, P. and Bradshaw, A., 2013. Rethinking consumer culture theory from the postmodern to the communist horizon.Marketing Theory,13(2), pp.213-225. Edwards, R., Raggatt, P. and Small, N. eds., 2013.The learning society: challenges and trends. Routledge. Giorgi, S., Lockwood, C. and Glynn, M.A., 2015. The many faces of culture: Making sense of 30 years of research on culture in organization studies.The academy of management annals,9(1), pp.1-54. Harwood, T. and Garry, T., 2016. 'Imagineering'consumer behaviour: a proposed methodology for visualizing futures. Academy of Marketing Annual Conference. Hernani-Merino, M., Mazzon, J.A. and Isabella, G., 2015. A model of susceptibility to global consumer culture.Revista Brasileira de Gesto de Negcios,17(57), p.1212. Kipnis, E., Broderick, A.J. and Demangeot, C., 2014. Consumer multiculturation: consequences of multi-cultural identification for brand knowledge.Consumption Markets Culture,17(3), pp.231-253. Kovcs, B., Carroll, G.R. and Lehman, D.W., 2013. Authenticity and consumer value ratings: Empirical tests from the restaurant domain.Organization science,25(2), pp.458-478. Ostergaard, P. and Bode, M., 2016. Is Consumer Culture Theory research or realpolitik? A sociology of knowledge analysis of a scientific culture.Journal of Consumer Behaviour,15(5), pp.387-395. Pugh, A.J., 2016. Accepting and Resisting Insecurity: Using Consumer Culture to Have it Both Ways?.Being Human in a Consumer Society, p.87. Slowikowski, S. and Jarratt, D.G., 2013. The impact of culture on the adoption of high technology products.Marketing Intelligence Planning. Solomon, M.R., 2014.Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being(Vol. 10). Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Vitell, S.J. and Hunt, S.D., 2015. 2. the general theory of marketing ethics: the consumer ethics and intentions issues.Handbook on Ethics and Marketing, p.15. Welford, R. ed., 2016.Corporate Environmental Management 2: Culture and Organization. Routledge.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Strategic Planning For Wounded Warrior Project
Executive Summary Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) was started in 2002 by John Melia who was wounded in Somalia in 1992. The members of his family and other veterans, Al Giordano and Steven Nardizzi, supported Melia’s efforts to establish WWP. Until 2005, WWP operated as a division of another nonprofit organization the United Spinal Association of New York.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Strategic Planning For Wounded Warrior Project specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In 2005, the WWP separated from the associated organization and moved its headquarters to Jacksonville, Florida. Thus, by 2010, the nonprofit organization started by several activists has rapidly grown into an influential project employing 118 workers and raising millions of dollars to support veterans. Over the years, WWP has shown impressive progress culminating in her appearing among the very top performing organizations in the nonprofit ca tegory. However, with the rising number of volunteer soldiers to war and, the economic crisis experienced in the recent years, there is a need for WWP to reexamine their position with a view to fit into the new realities. It is important that she continues to serve the interest of wounded soldiers while coping with the high numbers which are expected and still remain steadfast in its mandate. To achieve this goal, a medium term strategic plan for WWP, is deemed inevitable. The purpose of this strategic plan is to define the goals for WWP with respect to the results it envisages within the stated period of 5 years. The basis of the plan is a report collected from performances over a time period. This will be followed with an analysis of the external and internal environment through a SWOC analysis and a stakeholder analysis respectively. With these results as a basis, the strategic plan aims to lay out the strategies for successful implementation and action plans to close the gap fro m the current position to the desired position within this period. To be successful, the process intends to have a ‘buy in’ strategy that allows for vivid participation of all stakeholders concerned. The Board and Top management will have stated their support by signing on the sheet provided.Advertising Looking for proposal on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The goals and the plans to achieve them must remain realistic and as such, must involve the immediate implementers in the team. It shall incorporate workable performance monitoring and evaluation component as well as a provision for any arising changes hence the need for flexibility. Background information Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) was started in 2002 by John Melia who had been wounded in Somalia in 1992. Melia’s initiative was supported by the members of his family and other veterans Al Giordano and Steven Nardizzi. Until 200 5, WWP operated as a division of another nonprofit organization the United Spinal Association of New York. In 2005, the WWP separated from the associated organization and moved its headquarters to Jacksonville, Florida. Thus, by 2010, the nonprofit organization started by several activists has rapidly grown into an influential project employing 118 workers and raising millions of dollars to support veterans (Wounded Warrior Project, n. d.). Mission The mission adopted by WWP is to provide support to the veterans of the US military forces by honoring and empowering them. The phrase concerning the greatest casualty that is being forgotten used as an epigraph on the website of this nonprofit organization implies the inability of the society to provide the necessary and deserved social and financial support to the veterans. The vision The vision of the organization is formulated as an ambition to foster the generation of wounded veterans which would be best adjusted to the realities of modern society and the most successful one in the history of the nation. The purposes of this nonprofit organization include the improvement of the social awareness on the special needs of the injured service members and motivate the community to provide the necessary aid to the wounded warriors. Additionally, WWP is aimed at providing the injured veterans with opportunities to assist each other. These goals are achieved through the implementation of the unique programs complying with the needs of injured warriors. Aims To improve the social awareness of the special needs of the injured service members and motivate the community to provide the necessary aid to the wounded warriors and their families.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Strategic Planning For Wounded Warrior Project specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Core Values The core values of WWP are defined as FILIS: Fun Integrity Loyalty Innovation Service The core values formulated in the form of FILIS are coupled with the culture of teamwork in WWP that is beneficial for enhancing the performance of the staff and even motivating each of the employees to give extra effort to make their organization succeed (Wounded Warrior Project, n. d.). Programmatic activities The programs of WWP are structured in a unique way to nurture the mind and body of the wounded veterans and foster their economic empowerment and social engagement. Thus, all the programs activities are divided into four main subgroups, including mind, body, economic empowerment and, social engagement. The participation in all of these programs is free. However, the verification of military service experience and service-connected wounds, injuries or illnesses is obligatory for participating in these programs (Wounded Warrior Project, n.d). For example, the wounded warriors eligible for the participation in WWP projects can be enrolled into Combat Stress Recovery Program, Tr ansition Training Academy, Physical Health and Wellness, Soldier Ride and other programs (Wounded Warrior Project, n.d). The reported outcomes of the programmatic activities of WWP are striking. Thus, 325 families took advantages of Physical Wealth and Wellness Program, 945 warriors enrolled into Warriors to Work Program and were assisted in finding a job. Furthermore, 5929 phone and e-mail cases were resolved through the support center. Departments The executive staff of WWP includes 14 members. The organizational structure of WWP consists of 9 main departments, including the development, financial, special projects, direct response, mental health and warrior engagement, physical health and wellness, communications, government affairs, and economic empowerment departments.Advertising Looking for proposal on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As the ones responsible for the implementation process, these leaders will be an integral part of the team. They bring their practical knowledge which is invaluable creating action plans. Planning for the Plan The changing environment, both fiscal and in number of beneficiaries legible for this program leaves no doubt that WWP needs to lay firm strategies to help her maintain relevance and, remain true to its mandate. By prove of the executive boards consent and pledge of cooperation, the agency has expressed desire to conduct this exercise. The next stage will involve selection of committee members, and we shall be guided by their decision making power and importance in the implementation exercise. The plan shall encompass whole organization, and as a medium term 5year strategic plan. The module to be adopted for this project shall be vision based where we align functions relative to a shared vision. Given the success enjoyed by WWP thus far, the concurrent approach to implementati on suffices. By maintaining most of what already works, WWP should use the good working relationship of employees to draw up the plan ((Bryson, 2004a). The committees mandate shall be to draw up a schedule for the strategic plan development. This schedule will show who will be involved, when and how and putting to consideration their authority, role, knowledge. It will ensure stakeholder as well as a champion of the process. The committee shall also set forth the materials needed as well as terms and titles to be used (Clolery, 2011). The schedule spells out when and how the planners will be trained to ensure better understanding of process. The membership and participation will be arranged in such a way as to have ‘buy in’ by direct involvement of key implementers and stakeholders. To ensure implementation we will develop smart goals, action plans, and institute monitoring and evaluation measures while leaving a provision for enactment of new changes to the plan as may be deemed necessary (Poister, 2003). Stakeholder Analysis The stakeholder audit for the Wounded Warrior Project requires mapping the universe of various stakeholders, defining who they are, how they can affect the organization and performance of this nonprofit agency and how they relate to the agency. Applying the power vs. interest grid to the analysis of the stakeholder universe and the roles performed, depending upon the extent of their power and interest, the main groups can be divided into four main categories, including subjects with high interest but low power, players with high power and high interest, context setters with high power but low interest and crowd characterized with low power and low interest. WWP must strive to consult, listen to and empower all these stakeholders (Bryson, 2004b). The first category has wounded veterans and their families, the employees of the agency and the private contractors providing certain services to the agency which are characterized w ith high interest in the effective performance of the organization and fulfillment of its mission. The second subgroup of players would include the senior management of the organization. The category of the context setters encompasses all individuals, firms and corporations making donations, government bodies, and policymakers responsible for the regulation of the nonprofit sector. Finally, the fourth group of the crowd would include the general public which has low interest and low power but still is affected by the performance of the agency that is aimed at creating public value. The Revelation from SWOC Analysis Conducting a SWOC analysis for WWP, helps identify internal strengths and weaknesses it possesses and external opportunities and challenges it faces as it embarks on a strategic planning process. This sets the primary data or skeleton upon which the strategic plan is developed. Strengths This looks at WWP agency does well. Includes the unique assets or resources it can dr aw from to take advantages of external opportunities or overcome challenges and describes its unique competencies. The WWP successfully empowers veterans who received service-connected wounds during or later September 11, 2001. Its distinctive competencies include psychological and social support of wounded warriors and their families through engaging them into specialized programs and employing them. WWP could benefit from current legislation supporting the rights of veterans, including those warriors who have service-connected disability, such as the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), title I of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 2011). Weaknesses Weaknesses demonstrate where WWP has fewer assets or resources than others and would be target for areas of improvement. One of the weaknesses of WWP is its policy declining government funding. As a non-profit donation based organization, WWP does no t accept government money not to compromise its independence from government’s money (Wounded Warrior Project, 2010). As a result, when $ 3.2 million was allocated to WWP in 2011, the non-profit organization declined these funds (Dixon, 2011). This decision was compliant with one of the principles adopted by this organization but was not in the best interests of the community of wounded veterans to whom the organization serves. Opportunities This looks at changes taking place in the external environment that the organization could take advantage of. It includes an assessment of political, economic, social, technological, demographic, or legal trends might present opportunities for WWP. The WWP might take advantage of the growing concerns of the population over the destinies of the wounded warriors. As to the changes taking place in the technological domain, the organization might use the innovative methods of e-marketing for popularizing its programs and attracting new donati ons, volunteers and wounded veterans. In addition, the organization can use social networks to attract attention of wider audiences. This might reduce the advertising costs and increase the effectiveness of the strategies at the same time. Challenges This looks at the changes taking place in the external environment that the agency should guard against, or prepare for, to avoid disruption of their activities. The may be political, economic, social, technological, demographic, or legal trends that might present obstacles to WWP achieving her mission. The organization should be prepared for the growing number of veterans because more volunteers want to join the Army after the events of September 11, 2001 (Wounded Warrior Project, n.d.; Holder, 2007). Furthermore, the global economic crisis can have a negative impact upon the willingness of individuals and organizations to make donations. The firms are frequently forced to cut their staff. This also may have a negative impact upon the employment options for the wounded veterans. The Strategic Issues The stakeholder analysis gives a clear indication of the relative importance of these organizations in influencing the outcome of any plans WWP, would want to take. As a result, the first and second category of stakeholders will be considered from the beginning as mentioned above. The SWOC analysis has revealed the areas of opportunity that if given enough consideration will result in the organization being able to achieve its original mandate and adopt effectively to tackle the arising challenges. Goal 1: Improve decision making and effectiveness of the WWP financing program Strategy 1: Funding is a major issue facing WWP and given the foreseeable elements listed above, this issue needs to be addressed amicably. The first step is to engage stakeholders on revising the policy on non acceptance of government funds. This may be followed by an enactment of strict accounting procedures to restore stakeholder confidence in government fund utilization. In the same vein, both internal, and external auditors will be engaged to facilitate the process. Books of account would be reviewed semi-annually and reports published in reputable journal. Strategy 2: By employing qualified staff and empowering them as WWP has done before, staff which is one of the most valuable assets of this organization would be able to develop effective strategies for facing the challenges in the external environment. Goal 2: Support for more veteran soldiers and their families Strategy 1: The organization strengths intersect with the opportunities in the external environment in the new opportunities for advertising the programs for the wounded warriors and raising the community awareness on the activities of this nonprofit organization. By discussing the noble goals of this organization on various websites and social networks, WWP would b able to attract new donations. Strategy 2: The agency will have a continuous surveilla nce mechanism which gives monthly reports on the traffic to the sites and releasing trends for quarterly reviews for prompt improvement. Goal 3: Implementation of the organizations core values Strategy 1: The flexibility of WWP management and the core values adopted by this organization can be used for converting the challenges into opportunities. Taking into account the fact that WWP is recognized as one of the best employers in nonprofit sector, it can be stated that it can attract talented employees. Strategy 2: The organization needs to employ an international benchmark for analysis and reporting its performance. This is a tool that will effectively demonstrate the organizations commitment to the veterans it serves and market WWP as an organization worth the support. Use of Balanced score card as a tool for monitoring the success of the implementation strategies will be effected. This method suggests indicators of performance in all sectors and notes the degree of achievem ent for review and hence prompt action. Goal 4: Increasing the number of corporate sponsors and the amount of donations Strategy 1: The WWP will strive to improve their visibility through media outlets. The new social media on the Internet is a plat form that if well targeted shall improve awareness and improve people’s participation. So far the success of the agency’s program has showed a great need among organizations to encourage sponsorship. At the same time, by attracting advertisements from organizations to attract funds will be most appropriate. Strategy 2: The programs of WWP are structured in a unique way to nurture the mind and body of the wounded veterans and foster their economic empowerment and social engagement. The most experience will be used by this organization to ensure that all the participants not only enjoy the program, but also proactively help open more activities to cater for all their needs. Goal 5: Improve the participation of famili es participating in the programs by at least 30% over the next five years Strategy 1: Improve support for the Physical Wealth and Wellness Program from the current, 325 by 30%, through improved. At the same time, increase number of families taking part in the Warriors to Work program families from the current 945 warriors enrolled into Program and while improving the number of those assisted to find jobs by the same margin over the period. Strategy 2: Increase the service staff effectiveness in handling of phone and email cases by enhancing the capacity of the support center to handle the increased demand. The plan shall include an operation plan, a monitoring and evaluation schedule and a statement explaining the process of effecting any change arising from the implementation process. The action plan shall define all the roles and responsibilities over the mentioned period including a time frame for implementation of each of the strategies. Alternative Visions for the Future Given the magnitude help WWP offers to her war veteran clients, it demands a long term vision to ensure sustainability as well as satisfactory implementation of the programs they set to achieve. First, WWP should look at establishing an endowment and revolving funds that may be lent to her members to do business and refund at very low interest. Second, WWP need to set up collaboration with organizations that may create an academy for handling of the needs of the veterans and their families. Last, WWP should engage the international community in drawing policies that will minimize war options as this will decrease the number of those affected and ensure high treatment to the few who must go through war. Conclusion Given the enormous task that the implementation of the strategic plan entails, a team leader for the program will be identified. He shall help with advice on continuous implementation while his or her office shall provide the needed support throughout the process. With this five year strategic plan, WWP has a goal and a way to achieve those goals. With the proper implementation, the agency can be sure to build on their good reputation to cater best for their clientele and their stakeholder interests. This is the first step in ensuring proper stakeholder involvement that also gives a clear framework for corporation including mechanisms for conflict resolution. References Bryson, J. (2004a). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A Guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement (3rd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Bryson, J. (2004b). What to do when stakeholders matter: Stakeholder identification and analysis techniques. Public Management Review, 6(1), 21-53. Clolery, P. (2011). 50 best nonprofits to work for in 2011. The NonProfit Times, 17–23. Web. Dixon, M. (2011). Wounded Warrior Project turns down $ 3.2 million from Florida. The Florida Times Union. Web. Holder, K. (2007). Comparison of ACS and ASEC da ta on veteran status and period of military service: 2007. Web. Poister, T. (2003). Measuring performance in public and nonprofit organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. (2011). Veterans with service- connected disabilities in the workplace and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Web. Wounded Warrior Project. (n.d.). Who we serve. Web. This proposal on Strategic Planning For Wounded Warrior Project was written and submitted by user Colten Holt to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
The eNotes Blog The Library of Congresss NationalJukebox
The Library of Congresss NationalJukebox Last month, the Library of Congress made available, free of charge, its catalog of historic recordings of early music, dating from 1901 to 1925. The new National Jukebox contains some 10,000 recordings which have been digitized for the first time and were made available to the LOC by Sony Music Entertainment. Sony owns the rights to the records and is allowing the LOC to stream the digitized music free of charge. Anyone doing research in music history (or is just a fan of early American recordings) now has unprecedented access to works very few people have heard before. For example, acoustical recordings captured before the invention of microphones have now been transformed. How was music recorded before microphones? The LOC explains that (m)usic and speech was funneled through recording horns, which in turn vibrated an attached diaphragm and stylus, thus etching the sound waves onto a rotating wax disc. Want to know what it was really like to hear the cacophony of New Yorks Tin Pan Alley at the turn of the twentieth century? Now you can! (Tin Pan Alley, by the way, got its name from the relentless pounding of musicians on their pianos, which some claimed sounded like banging on tin pans.) Perhaps you are researching or enjoy early opera. LOC has you covered. Pictured here is the 1919 Victrola Book of the Opera which describes more than 110 operas, and is reproduced here as an interactive digital facsimile. It includes plot synopses and lists of recordings the Victor Talking Machine Company offered in 1919. In addition to reading the original text, you can listen to nearly every recording listed in the book and even compare different interpretations of the most popular arias of the period. You can also search and listen to national treasures such as Irving Berlin, John Philip Sousa, and George M. Cohan, and many others. Ethnomusicologists will appreciate the hundreds of recordings available in dozens of languages, from Armenian to Welsh and everything in between. In addition to thousands of music recordings from dozens of genres, the National Jukebox has hundreds of spoken word recordings, including comedy routines, courtroom recordings, and educational materials. The LOC plans to continuously add to its already vast collection. Each month it uploads new recordings and soon will include titles not just from Sony, but also from Columbia and Okeh, as well as selected master recordings from the Library of Congress Universal Music Group Collection.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
Primary Source Focus Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Primary Source Focus Questions - Essay Example Duties that masters and mistresses expected from their servants include retaining honesty and overall morality in the house. According to Mrs. Beeton, one of the most important qualities of a good mistress is her ability to engage her servant. Another quality is informing her friends and relatives of an empty house through friendly domestics and a relatively lasting willpower (Clark 415). Beeton says some of the most typical issues that exist between masters and servants are decadence and somewhat disposed attitudes towards each other. Beeton’s instructions tell modern readers of the radical change in relationships between household owners and their house cleaners within a span of hundred and fifty years. However, the instructions do not portray any contemporary relevance since this culture was completely abandoned during the twentieth century. 1) In The Ladies Paradise, how is the department store personified (i.e. portrayed) and what do you think this says about the new culture of 19th C consumerism? What challenges and advantages did shop-girls like Denise face? The writer gives the department store the features of a monster-like apparatus and personifies it. The book portrays the department store as a â€Å"continual cascade of materials†flowing alongside the rumble of a river (Zola 36). This portrayal of the department stores paints the image of the 1800s Parisian department store by using numerous definitive pictures. These pictures allow Zola to make an unambiguous comparison between what a customer views at the store and what took place behind the curtains. Challenges Denise faced as a shop girl include supporting her orphan siblings by working at the kid’s section of the store and the store’s uninviting working conditions. However, Denise benefited from the â€Å"match of progress†and her immunity to shopping desires (Zola 41). The theory of evolution challenged conventional belief systems by crossing
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Grounds Maintenance Building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Grounds Maintenance Building - Essay Example The building integrated photovoltaic is designed for easy integration into the building even after it is built (BIPV). Thus the building integrated photovoltaic could easily be used as the roof for the building besides acting as a mini power source for the same building unit. This would be adequate to meet its essential lighting and also the outside illumination needs. The modules are designed such that they are transparent and part of the natural light could also be easily transferred into the building. Structurally they are crystalline and micro perforated amorphous transparent modules (BIPV). Their ability to be fixed to both tile roof and flat roof could give them an ample scope for demonstration in the college campus. Also, using photovoltaic as the venation blinds is another area that could be explored in our settings. Though the systems demand high level of expertise and planning an excellent demonstration of this technology would help to realize how the past impact caused by the structural elements could be mitigated by saving the environment into future. And thus Ground Maintenance Building would stand as the icon of environmental sustainability in the college campus.
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Psychology, IT and Individualism Essay Example for Free
Psychology, IT and Individualism Essay As information technology continues to develop with more people getting exposed to it, numerous changes are also taking place the field of psychology. Previously, many IT analysts frequently argued that psychology was taking longer than enough to implement and adopt technological advancements. However, recent researches indicate that the practices and methods applied in psychology have greatly transformed as a result of changes in information technology. First, the internet has been one of the major latest trends in psychology; it is highly associated with psychopathology (Wilson 2004). For instance, depression and loneliness have often been connected to the excess use of the internet since it results to addiction. Secondly, there is the use of information technology in counseling and psychotherapy. This is currently being done via the internet; this has resulted to some lack of privacy and confidentiality as well as loss of effectiveness in the practice since some important features such as facial expression and verbal expression has been lost (Wilson 2004). IT is also applied in research and development in psychology to enhance further growth and generation of useful knowledge. For instance, the authors of the current DSM IV-TR applied computerized criteria in revising the classification of disorders in the manual to come with a less flawless criterion of categorizing disorders and disabilities. Using IT, today’s psychotherapists have been able to make numerous improvements in the way through which they can reach, counsel and correspond with their clients (discussed in the next section) (Azucena, Hunter, 2001). The growth of Psychotherapy Psychotherapy refers to private individual counseling by professional psychotherapists. As a highly growing trend in psychology, psychotherapy is used by psychotherapists to assist them in developing deliberate interpersonal relationships with their clients as a strategy for helping the patient to improve their well being. The trend applies many modern techniques of building closer relationships with the patients such as face to face dialogues, home phone calls and regular visits of the therapist to the client (Azucena, Hunter, 2001). This trend is basically aimed at improving the mental health of the patient through interpersonal relationships. This represents a great shift in the nature of counseling psychology, psychiatry, occupational therapy, clinical psychology and other related fields in psychology. In essence, psychotherapy is not a new trend in the field of psychology since over the years, people have received private reassurance and counsel from others; what is new and becoming increasingly famous in psychology is the application of modern and deliberate professional techniques in psychotherapy. Such psychotherapeutic techniques include online counseling whereby a therapist handles client personally through creating client accounts where he can easily relate with the client on one-on-one(but not face-to-face) bases (Tredinnick, Fowers, 1999). Most of the new psychotherapeutic techniques are possible because of the advancements in the use of information technology in the field of psychology as discussed above. For instance, therapists encourage clients to use social networks to be able to communicate easily with them and their families. In addition, they also approve the use of phone calls whereby clients are free to call their physicians at any time of the day so that they can discuss their issues at convenience. However, modern psychotherapy is not without a number of flaws. Recently, concerns have greatly risen concerning the advancement of individualism in psychotherapy (Tredinnick, Fowers, 1999). Psychotherapy encourages individualism on both the therapist and the client. Individualism is a term used in psychology to refer to ways through which people recognize themselves only and concentrate on individual goals as opposed to collectivism. In this sense, psychotherapist no longer view psychotherapy as a collective discipline that require combined efforts with other experts in the field since they are in a position to carry out counseling and psychiatry without involving anybody elseâ€â€they can visit their clients at home, chat with them online and make home phone class with them. This has resulted to a great decline in the success of psychology as a collective discipline (Tredinnick, Fowers, 1999; Azucena, Hunter, 2001). Conclusion The use IT in psychology and the advancement in psychotherapy are important developments in psychology and should be highly encouraged. However, it is upon therapists and other psychological professionals to ensure that this new trends are used effectively to prevent the decline evident in cooperation among professional bodies in the field of psychology due to individualism. References Azucena, P. G. , Hunter, H. G. (2001) Redefining Therapeutic Success with Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy, Cyber-psychology Behavior, 4(3), pp. 484-489. Fowers, B. J. , Tredinnick, M. G. (1999). Individualism and psychotherapy; are psychologists leading or following individualistic trends? Counseling, Psychology Quarterly, 12(3): pp. 303-313 Wilson, J. T. et al (2004). Current trends in psychology and the behavioral sciences. University of Pittsburgh press: Pittsburgh, PA.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Essay example --
I do always believe in the fact that the more knowledge you gain, the more professional you become. This made me an obvious choice to pursue graduate studies to meet the pinnacle of professional excellence. Presently I am pursuing my final semester of undergraduate study in Computer Science and Engineering I feel it is the right time to take a decision regarding my Masters that contributes for better molding of my future career in the field. The philosophy which I strongly believe in my life is â€Å"A person may not put in his complete efforts in doing a work that he is intended to do but, he will surely give his 100% if the work he does is of his interest†. In my entire journey from my schooling to undergraduate study, I was always fascinated by the tremendous advancements in technology that made many troublesome tasks convenient to the mankind. The computer technology has ushered in a revolution that is unprecedented in its sweep. Its effect on the everyday lives of ordinary people has been phenomenal. Right from the super satellite control stations to the grocer’s humble shop, the efficient office and the busy kitchen in the home this technology is all pervasive, all consuming. This is what makes it one of the most challenging fields as it not only meets needs but has the power to create new needs, rules and total environments of its own. In this pursuit of doing masters in my areas of interest, I was happy to go through coursework for Computer Science and am really interested to do my MS in CS at your esteemed university. I prefer a reputed university in US for its gamut of opportunities and good scope for research in my field of interest. It’s a great privilege t... ... punctuality for which I am physically and mentally equipped. The main aim in opting for an American standard of education is very high competence Particularly in the field of Computer Science. Being a hard working and committed student, I am certain that I will be able to cope with the rigors of an International curriculum with ease. My determination to succeed and do well will enable me to be among the better students of your college. I sincerely request you to consider my application for admission into your reputed university. I would be grateful to you if I am accorded the opportunity to pursue my higher studies and given the opportunity, I am sure that I will be able to achieve my goals keeping in touch with the expectations of the university. Looking forward to be a part of your Master’s Degree Program. Thanks for your time
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Case Study Analysis Ppaer Essay
Introduction A number of problems were made during the recent hiring process. This case Study is an attempt to identify and recommend ways to improve this process. From the information that has been obtained, I believe that a lack of employee experience and a lack of prior planning and follow up resulted in a failure to accomplish all the task necessary to hire the new employees in a timely fashion. ?Background Carol Robins, a new campus recruiter for ABC, Inc. , in early April he was able to hire 15 new trainees who were destined to work for Monica Carrolls, the operations supervisor. From the interviews that were conducted, it appears that Carl was unable to accomplish all of the tasks necessary so that the new hires could begin work. These tasks included documentation, drug testing, material preparation for the orientation, and facility scheduling. Monica Carrolls did contact Carl on May 15 concerning his process with the hiring process. Other employees had failed to keep the paper copy of the master orientation manual current so that it can be quickly copied. Another factor appears the rapid expansion of the company. Alternatives With more than one problem a major focus on a number of different Solutions, such as, Prior planning by Carl could have eliminated some of the issues; however, Carl’s in experience would probably still have resulted in there being some problems. The company has failed to provide relatively inexperienced employees, like Carl, with comprehensive procedures and job practices. Under the topic of supervision, Monica Carrolls could have made contact more often with Carl. But her job, as operations manager, does not include his supervision. Another solution to the supervision problem could be to increase the staff in the human resources department. However, on examination this does not appear to be the most efficient solution due to the increased costs. Another solution would be to maintain the master â€Å"New Employee Orientation†manual in electronic format. Having the manual in electronic form allows for easy updating of the policy and procedures, and prevents inadvertent loss or damage to that document. This method is cost effective and easily implemented. ?Proposed Solutions. A â€Å"New Employee Checklist†will be created with all pre-employed tasks listed on it. ?The â€Å"Employee Orientation†manual will be maintained in an electronic format. ?Some of the pre-employment tasks will become the responsibility of the potential employees to accomplish. Potential employees will report when the tasks have been completed. A member of the human resource staff will confirm that the task has been completed correctly. ?Employees like, Carl Robins, will be required to submit weekly reports detailing the current status of all potential employees. ?Recommendations New employees are the only way the work of this organization gets accomplished. Everyone efforts to sustain the continued growth and profits of this company cannot be ignored. With the continued growth of the company the proposed solutions that the employee will make on that day may need to be modified as the company becomes larger. I would recommend that a periodic review of the hiring process; looking for ways to improve it. And also a review should be done on an annual basis.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Christian Theology And The Biblical View Of Special...
â€Å"Christian theology has had to protect the biblical view of special revelation against many perversions. Platonic preoccupation with â€Å"eternal ideas†accessible by rational contemplation alone, plus the disregard of history as a meaningful arena. †Acknowledging and identifying the Four Horseman in Rev. 6:1-8 King James Version is no different in the body of the church today. Many venues have tried to explain and teach expansions views of their current teachers/shepherds that really do not qualify to have the title. Let alone study or understand the Word of God as a literal as history events that have occurred and as future events that will come. Before the digression of the information required for this DB, it is wise to back up for a moment and reintegrate the difference in tribulation and Great Tribulation. Jesus states in John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. KJV Why is this important for one to digress? Society and some of the denominations in the world look at today’s issues (tribulations) as part of the Great Tribulation. Believing a child of God has to endure the same judgements as a non-believe. Ladies and Gentleman that is a lie. However, there is a parallel that is taking place here as in Daniel, yet it is in Zechariah 6:1-8 (KJV) In the book of Zech. 6:1-8 (KJV) there are four horsemen(chariots) the exact color as the first fourShow MoreRelatedChristian Theology And The Biblical View Of Special Revelation1961 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"Christian theology has had to protect the biblical view of special revelation against many perversions. 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