Saturday, January 4, 2020
Christian Theology And The Biblical View Of Special...
â€Å"Christian theology has had to protect the biblical view of special revelation against many perversions. Platonic preoccupation with â€Å"eternal ideas†accessible by rational contemplation alone, plus the disregard of history as a meaningful arena. †Acknowledging and identifying the Four Horseman in Rev. 6:1-8 King James Version is no different in the body of the church today. Many venues have tried to explain and teach expansions views of their current teachers/shepherds that really do not qualify to have the title. Let alone study or understand the Word of God as a literal as history events that have occurred and as future events that will come. Before the digression of the information required for this DB, it is wise to back up for a moment and reintegrate the difference in tribulation and Great Tribulation. Jesus states in John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. KJV Why is this important for one to digress? Society and some of the denominations in the world look at today’s issues (tribulations) as part of the Great Tribulation. Believing a child of God has to endure the same judgements as a non-believe. Ladies and Gentleman that is a lie. However, there is a parallel that is taking place here as in Daniel, yet it is in Zechariah 6:1-8 (KJV) In the book of Zech. 6:1-8 (KJV) there are four horsemen(chariots) the exact color as the first fourShow MoreRelatedChristian Theology And The Biblical View Of Special Revelation1961 Words  | 8 Pagesâ€Å"Christian theology has had to protect the biblical view of special revelation against many perversions. Platonic preoccupation with â€Å"eternal ideas†accessible by rational contemplation alone, plus the disregard of history as a meaningful arena. †Acknowledging and identifying the Four Horseman in Rev. 6:1-8 King James Version is no different in the body of the church today. Many venues have tried to explain and teach expansions views of their current teachers/shepherds that really do not qualifyRead MoreGlobal Missions Paper1189 Words  | 5 Pagesthese perspectives would influence my ministry if I were in a culturally diverse ministry setting. In 1970 there was a group of theologists who came together and wanting to liberate themselves from a traditional fundamentalist view; they formed The Latin American Theology Fraternity called The International Fellowship of Evangelical Students. There hope was to establish their own identity within the fraternity because it was not tied to anything else. 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